Dancing For Birth™ 

Prenatal/Postpartum Dance Classes


Dancing For Birth™ prenatal/postpartum classes incorporate moves from around the world that best prepare women to give birth. They become stronger, more agile, more at ease with their bodies and both mentally and physically ready to embrace their unique birth experience. 

At the same time they learn valuable childbirth preparation skills and natural pain coping techniques to build confidence in their own birthing ability and wisdom. Birth can be active, ecstatic, orgasmic, transformative, empowering!  Did you know that expectant moms can help assure their babies are in an optimal position when labor begins? In Dancing For Birth™ classes women gain knowledge to help them have the births they envision for themselves and for their babies. 

Dancing For Birth™ class participants report experiencing low levels of discomfort, few or no interventions, brief labors and high levels of satisfaction during their births. 

Babies whose mothers take Dancing For Birth™ classes love the motion of dancing and are easily soothed after birth by being held while their mothers dance. Postpartum women regain their pre-pregnancy shape and tone more quickly when they continue Dancing For Birth TM  classes with their babies after they are born. 

The Dancing For Birth™ series of five classes are taught by Certified Instructor, Sandy Taylor. Sandy is author of 7 books and now MotherBirth, soon to be released. She is founder/director of Rainbow Child International and a multicultural arts and environmental educator who has been teaching international dance and storytelling professionally for almost 30 years. 

To hear more about Dancing For Birth™ classes,

please contact Sandy Taylor, DFB Certified Instructor, using the form below or 610-525-4133

See website www.DancingForBirth.com

See Also: Cultural Perspectives on Birth Seminars

Brazilian Birthing Dolls

Dancing For Birth™ 

Reclaiming the Power of Women
For a Peaceful World

Grandmother Circles





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